The FORNAX TECHNOLOGIES RIA workstation (CONEXT125) is a flexible, automatic and open sample distribution and washing system for radioimmunoassays. In line with our company philosophy, the FORNAX TECHNOLOGIES RIA workstation (CONEXT125) is based on a Tecan® Genesis® liquid-handling robot that we have overhauled. A graphical user interface (GUI) specially programmed for the application also makes it possible to easily operate the device during routine work.
The CONEXT125 has the following features:
– Automatic 4+4 channel pipetting and washing unit enables fast handling of patient samples.
– The system processes up to 96 samples in one cycle in a batch-oriented manner.
– It distributes sample material in one operation on up to 3 target racks each containing 96 test tubes. Different workflows can therefore be ideally combined.
– Within the corresponding workflow, the system distributes the necessary controls and standards for the evaluation in the gamma counter.
– At the end of the incubation period, the 4+4 channel washes the samples and, as required, changes between the test-specific washing solutions.